I truly believe people are in your life for seasons & reasons. I also think that in order to learn certain important life lessons, you must meet these people. But once the study is complete, you move on. Sometimes I wonder, "what happened?", "How is this person doing?" "Why did we fall apart?" Then I realize that everyone who is in my life is supposed to be there and has BEEN there for the majority of my ups & downs. That's why I formed a pact with myself many years ago that i'd never have resentment in my heart towards an individuval just because we didn't work out. Whether it was a friend, ex love interest, etc. You can't hold grudges and expect to be a happy, successful person in the long run. With that said, THANK YOU to everyone who has come and gone. Some of you taught me things I couldn't have learned any other way. I'm greatly appreciative.

Xo, Keisha