There are a slew of certain frenemies that we should all be aware of. They don't always come with a dagger in open view. The faux friendships are usually built on lots of laughs, beautiful smiles, even fun times. The outer appearance can be quite deceiving. These types are the ones you MUST learn to be cautious of. Below I've compiled a list of the most common acquaintances I've had the displeasure of coming in contact with. Each of these relationships will become very toxic after awhile. Listen, romantic partnerships are not the only ones to look out for warning signs in. You should pick your friends like you choose your fruit. With that said, I'm blessed to have amazing people in life, even though I've had to cross paths with a few Cruella's along the way. Learning is growing. Cherish those whom reciprocate..

1. Nancy Narcissistic - This friendship will always be totally one-sided. You're just a bench warmer for her All-Star team of personality defects. Your personal problems, issues, successes, happiness, worries, concerns, and overall life will never matter to this person. She may pretend as if she cares with a few random texts, on time in agreeable head nods, or maybe even a gracious hug. All and all, you're just a puppet in the play starring HER, featuring HER, with a occasional appearance by you.  Unless you're lacking confidence, and willing to sacrifice your own growth than I would say stay far way from this chick.

2. Messy mouth - She lives for gossip. Honey, it doesn't matter whose it is either. Once the word gets out, she's yapping those gums to the nearest bystander. This type of relationship thrives off of pretending to be concerned with your feelings, situations, and deep thoughts. Ultimately, it will result in you receiving feedback from others regarding everything you've ever told her. Loyalty isn't an option when dealing with this special kind. Of course, that would be way too much to ask for. Furthermore, gossip is much more exciting for this person vs a long lasting bond. Don't be the one to fall victim!

3. The positive pessimistic - She's the person that prides herself on saying she's drama free, happy and supportive. Yet, you'll usually find her constantly in the middle of controversy. Whether it's because someone is "hating" on her, being disrespectful, or envious of her looks, or the alleged great life that she lives, it's ALWAYS something! Through it all, she maintains the holier than thou perspective; never admitting her wrongs. Have you ever stopped to think WHY people don't fancy her? Negativity breeds negativity. 

4. Esteem downer - You know those things called flaws? She will be sure to make you aware of the ones you possess. And once this person gains knowledge of any insecurities you may have that makes room for even more ammo. The truth is, I'm sure you have great qualities that she tries to diminish for her own benefit. Stay far AWAY from this bitter Betty unless you're just a strong person that loves to deal with bullshit for recreational purposes. Other than that,  you will begin to feel a change within yourself. I can guarantee it won't be for the better..

5. The lint licker - She's only interested in being a leach to everything that involves you. In my opinion, this is the most dangerous type. Simply because in the beginning you may confuse this person with being a great friend only to find out that you're dealing with a true lifetime story. These "friendships" tend to end after you discover the true her. With friends, we all prefer someone that we can at least relate to on a personal level. However, there's nothing more disturbing than a group of gals who are carbon copies of each other. This type will turn to be what your wildest nightmares are made of, because your life, status, appearance, and overall appeal may interest her more than you as a person. 

I only mean well! 

